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Geelani again barred from offering Friday prayers : Hurriyat (G) | KNO

UNO failed to deliver justice to Kashmir, Palestine



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Srinagar, May 18, 2018 (KNO) : Hurriyat Conference chairman Syed Ali Geelani, who continues to be under house arrest, was again not allowed to offer Friday prayers,” said a spokesman of the Hurriyat.

Hurriyat while flaying the administration, said it is a brazen interference in religious affairs and his continued detention has badly affected his heath. Meanwhile Hurriyat said that authorities put THJK chairman Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai, party spokesman Gh Ahmad Gulzar, Mohammad Yousuf Naqash and Mohammad Ashraf Laya under house and police detention, while as Hakem Abdul Rashir and dozens of other leader's houses were raided. When the ailing leader tried to leave his residence, a large contingent of the government forces stationed outside his residence stopped him, Hurriyat said. “Even today in the month of Ramadan, Syed Ali Geelani was barred from offering Friday prayers. Syed Ali Geelani continues to be virtually in jail. He was released for a brief period but rearrested without any justification” Hurriyat added. Hurriyat lashed out at the authorities for the curbs.

“Government is relying on false propaganda and now its tall claims stand exposed,” the statement read. Speaking on the occasion Geelani said. “By placing curbs and detaining resistance leaders, the government is denying us the freedom to stage peaceful protests. It amounts to interference in religious affairs,” Geelani said. Syed Ali Geelani while referring to “ceasefire’’ announcement ,said it is cruel joke, saying there is no letup in killing and added that leadership is caged, religious obligations and political space denied. Syed Ali Geelani reiterated his appeal and asked people to join Lalchowk Chalo on schedule visit of Narinder Modi, Saying we will convey that “Kashmiri people have never accepted the ‘forced occupation’ of India and they are at war with India for past seven decades,” and added that we will pursue our mission of freedom till freedom is achieved. He said that this arrogance, haughtiness and persistent denial can’t hold water for long and India must come to terms with the writing on the wall.

Lamenting authorities for inflicting brutalities, Geelani said that India has responded ruthlessly and beastly without giving an ear to our aspirations. Syed Ali Geelani said that “our youth lay their lives to end the age-old slavery of their nation, putting a huge responsibility on our shoulders to honor these sacrifices and take the movement to its logical end. Syed Ali Geelani while decrying authorities, said that resistance leadership is being caged on frivolous charges, saying it is sheer vengeance and added that even their families are denied their meeting with detainees.

Syed Ali Geelani criticized UNO, saying it failed to deliver justice and virtually this institution is acting as mute spectator over the atrocities being inflicted on people in Palestine, Kashmir and other places. Geelani appealed to international community to take cognizance of the “brutal” killings and come forward to resolve the Kashmir dispute. Geelani expressed his dismay over the role of 57 Muslim counties, saying they are not playing their assigned role and maintaining criminal silence over pitiable condition of Muslim ummah.


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